Tips Blog Increase Traffic Rank

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Have a high traffic blog that is the dream of every blogger. Because with a blog that many visitors, then the advertiser or advertisers will flock to come to our blog to advertise, which means money will continue flowing into our pockets.

Therefore, no wonder if every webmaster is always vying for all the ways to increase blog traffic. But to have a high bertrafik blog is not easy. We have to sacrifice much time, effort, thought and money to make it happen. But believe me as long as we have the determination and the strong desire of any of our dreams can come true.

Now to build blog traffic, there are 2 important things you should do is:

Content is king. Every visitor who came to your blog is to read your content (for information, solutions, and ideas). Therefore, write quality content and useful to visitors so they always return to your blog.

After having content, the next step you should do is campaign. Promotion is the heart of the business. Without any promotion your item as good as no one knows. Useless. So if you want to generate abundant traffic. So this step you must do.

Here are the ways to promote your blog.
  1. Register your blog to search engines. Read more you can learn here.
  2. Sign up blog to blog directories like Technorati, Mybloglog, and BlogCatalog. Complete list can be download here. 
  3. Submit your articles to social bookmarking. To inggirs submit articles to Technorati, Digg, Facebook, Stumbleupon and delicious. Meanwhile, Indonesia submit articles to news and Disorders Cross.
  4. Include your blog address on social networking sites like Facebook, Friendster, hi5 and myspace.
  5. Include your blog address in an email signature.
  6. Active in the forum to put your blog address in the signature.
  7. Blogwalking : This is the easiest way to promote your blog. In addition to blog can increase traffic. This method can also be established between the members silahturami rope bloggers.
  8. Other diblog leave a comment. Almost the same as blogwalking which aims to leave a trail of other blogs. Do not forget to include your blog address for the blog owner can return your visit.
  9. Post a free ad on classifieds sites such as,,, and others.
  10. Install BlogUpp widget.
Actually there are many other ways. But I believe the ways above is enough to bring traffic to your blog.

Good luck. May be useful ..


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