Fungsi dan Cara Membuat RSS

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If you dah never learn HTML, you'll easily learn how to create RSS 2.0. Step to make RSS is as follows.
    * Declaring XML
Since the RSS 2.0 should be validated as XML, xml rss feeds then the first line should have an XML declaring beforehand.
Writing the script above encoding is optional but recommended to follow as above. If you use other than UTF-8 then you should replace these lines.

    Note: If you are using CFML and have whitespace due to the Application.cfm file
    Note: If you are using CFML and have whitespace due to Alplikasi.cfm files, then you can reset it with Output Buffer

    * RSS Feed Information
rss feed generator

After that you can put your information on RSS, as his Title, description, and links from his site.
This is my rss 2 feed description
Mon, September 12, 2005 18:37:00 GMT en-us
In the last Build Date to the date and time when the last feed was changed. Date of the RSS feeds must be in accordance with RFC 822. In CFML Dateformat mask should look like so ddd, dd mmm yyyyHH: mm: ss. Date must be offset with GMT. tag lastBuildDate not recommended but should be in cantumklan too. and TimeFormat must be the same as above.

    * RSS Items

Furthermore, we Enumeration of each RSS item, each item must have a Title, links, and description, date of publication and instructions. Mon, September 12, 2005 18:37:00 GMT [CDATA [This is the description. ]]
Make sure you do not mebgetikkan some characters that may cause your XML is invalid, following the example of characters that should be included <,>, &

    Note: the CFML you can use the function XmlFormat to kevalidan characters in XML.

    * Close the channel and tag RSS.

Done ...


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