Payment of Proof

Create a scavenger skipper-skipper of dollars, have a rather new ptr programs and has proven to pay via paypal.
 duty read the article and give ratings, then the dollar will be added to our account, one day could be $ 2.
These programs are referallnya and perreferal valued $ 5, so if I can be 100 referall can get $ 500, minimum payout $ 50.
if you want to follow-up, do the steps:


1. click: _http: / /
2. click join free or directly fill out the form provided, then click the join
3. check verification email and click
4. login
5. in the member's area of interest selected article (maximum of 50 topic)
6.mulailah kilk read articles with an open and do not forget to give rating to be $ $ $.

Free Domain Dot COM

for the bloggers, I have good news for you all. have you thought of your blog into dot Com?
usually, to get a domain dot com  you are willing to spend money to buy it. and it is not cheap.
yesterday when I visited the website one of my friends. I found a post about how to get a free domain dot Com, who is not like the term FREE, everyone would love it. especially Free domain dot com.
 there is a website that provides the domain geratis but minimal requirement, in my opinion still, hehehe....
requirements because it was just,
seeking referral of 9 people and we'll give her domain name,
details of his next picture,

OK, I just tell how can free domain dot Com
Its registration is not difficult, for those who intend to register the link below :
follow all the steps needed, after that you need to seek a referral to get 9 free domain dot Com

good luck ,,,,,

Hack AWsurvey

I've got payment 2 times from awsurvey, but in the normal way without the hack. Well my refferal Many who complain of long wait to get $ 75 of payout awsurvey income, is at least awsurvey payment is if we account has reached $ 75, if less than that will not payout. There is now only $ 27 you can but by a machine payout terbacanya $ 75. $ 27 in itself can be found for free after joining AWSurveys, where you live to fill the 6 survey provided there then you will get $ 27. time that the need to work on the 6 survey is only about 20-30 minutes. Now, before I continue with the tutorial how to hack this awsurvey, we recommend that you not list it immediately on the survey list to this money, free
Well I will not give a direct tutorial, but I will give a video about awsurvey hack, which make people overseas , well here it is all the steps to hack AWSurveys:

Trik Hack Facebook Dengan Email

Dan dengan memanfaatkan celah dari kerja sama inilah kita dapat mengetahui password dari account facebook seseorang dengan sangat mudah.

Saya sendiri sudah mencoba beberapa cara dan selalu gagal, sudah men-download berbagai macam software dalam usaha ini tapi tetap saja tak berhasil mendapatkan password account yg di incar.

Tapi ternyata, setelah mengetahui celah ini, saya sampai merasa bodoh sendiri. Karena ternyata sangat mudah mendapatkan password facebook seseorang jika kita tau cara yg tepat.


can be said that this way means indispensable fast .. we use for this system a gap dlm Poker Texas iytu own Facebook Hodem .. quite complicated to explain the workings of this system to you (because they have to understand the systems n online game programming language) .. but cool .. thanks for friend Underground (hacker) jogyakarta kind of love of science to the Pengemar poker in facebook
we begin ....
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Techniques To Bring Raise Thousands PageRank Backlinks To Your Blog

The way I read it while visiting friends on the blog, then I see posted alexa widget in the sidebar blogs. Woowww .... backlinknya lot, to tens of thousands. I actually have long found a post like this, but I used to whether sanctions can succeed in this way to raise PR and backlinks. After I read it again and still not sure of backlinks that I saw in his alexa agi sayapun return visit blogs that have followed this way. And sure enough, blogs are applied in this way increases public relations but the most prominent is owned backlink blogs are really a lot.

Cara sukses promosi RSS Feed

RSS supmit merupakan cara mudah mendaftarkan RSS kamu secara masal ke berbagai RSS search engine.
Rss supmit ialah salah satu cara meningkatkan trafik blog kamu secara drastis.Dengan alat ini memungkinkan mendaftarkan blogmu ke 80 direktori sekaligus,namun sayang tools ini tidak gratis, jika kamu menginginkanya harus mengeluarkan kocek dulu untuk menggunakanya.
Namun jika kamu keberatan ada alternatif lain yaitu dengan menggunakan allrcoop RSS supmit.
untuk sofware dapat di unduh di sini

Memunculkan adsense di blog indonesia

Apabila Memasang code adsense di blog berbahasa indonesia,1-2 hari pertama iklan bisa muncul,namun hari ketiga dan seterusnya.. Ehh.. Diganti "iklan amal" alias public service Ads (kalau di'klik kita tidak dapat apa-apa). Nah,bagaimana solusi untuk memunculkan adsense yang "raib" ini di blog berbahasa indonesia?
Caranya rebagai berikut,
masuk ke layout >page elements dan amati code ad7ense kamu, lalu tambahkan 1 line code ini dibawah
" google_ad_height=90;"

sebaris scrib di atas adalah untuk "memaksa" agar iklan adsense pada blog kita menggunakan iklan ygng berbahasa english.
Tp perlu diperhatikan, penggunaan script ini masih dlm tahap perdebatan apakak diperbolehkan atau tidak.
untuk lebih amanya barangkali memang pakailah blog berbahasa ingris untuk adsense, kecuali nanti kalau google adsense telah support bahasa indonesia.
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